Daab Chingri
Bong Connection Seafood

Daab chingri bengali recipe(prawns cooked in green coconut shell)

It is certainly a very special dish worth mention in the cuisine of Bengal which was one among the most popular dish dated back to the British colonial rule when Calcutta (now Kolkata) was the capital of British India.The aromatic and beautiful looking dish in which tiger  pawns or medium sized prawns coated with mild spices are cooked and served inside  the shell of a green coconut.the tender coconut meat renders the dish a sweet and fresh flavor different from the seafood coconut curries of the other coastal regions.This baked seafood recipe tastes heavenly with steamed rice and perfect for special occasions and get together.


  1. Prawns  Medium or Jumbo (6 to 8)
  2. Green coconut with tender coconut flesh (2)
  3. Onion paste(1 onion)
  4. Ginger garlic paste (2 tbsp)
  5. Dijon mustard seeds(4 tbsp)
  6. Green chilies(4 to 5)
  7. turmeric powder(1/2 tsp)
  8. Salt (as per taste)
  9. Mustard oil or vegetable oil (2 to 3 tbsp)
  10. Paach phoron for seasoning(mix of fenugreek,fennel,nigella,mustard and cumin seeds)
  11. Red chilly whole(2)
  1. Cut the top part of the green coconut to yield a large opening.
  2. pour out the water and reserve.
  3. Scoop out the tender coconut meat.
  4. Marinate the prawns with turmeric and salt.
  5. Make a smooth paste of mustard with salt and green chilies.
  6. preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  7. Add a tbsp of oil in the pan and add the “paach phoron” and whole red chilies till it crackles.
  8. Add the onion followed by ginger garlic paste.
  9. Add the mustard paste and add the prawns and saute for a few seconds.Add 1/2 cup of coconut water.
  10. Check the salt.
  11. Transfer the contents into the green coconut shells .
  12. Add a tbsp of mustard oil on top.
  13.  close the opening with a dough of flour.
  14. Bake for about  45 minutes at 170 degrees.
  15. Serve straight from the oven in the shell itself with steamed rice .
READ  Tomato and white beans seafood stew
Daab Chingri

Daab Chingri

medium sized prawns coated with mild spices are cooked and served inside  the shell of a green coconut.

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
Servings 4 persons



  • 6 to 8 Prawns  Medium or Jumbo
  • 2 Green coconut with tender coconut flesh
  • 1 Onion paste
  • 2 tbsp Ginger garlic paste
  • 4 tbsp Dijon mustard seeds
  • 4 to 5 Green chilies
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • Salt (as per taste)
  • 2 to 3 tbsp Mustard oil or vegetable oil
  • 1/2 tsp Paach phoron for seasoning (mix of fenugreek,fennel,nigella,mustard and cumin seeds)
  • (2) Red chilly whole



  1. Cut the top part of the green coconut to yield a large opening.
  2. pour out the water and reserve.
  3. Scoop out the tender coconut meat.
  4. Marinate the prawns with turmeric and salt.
  5. Make a smooth paste of mustard with salt and green chilies.
  6. preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  7. Add a tbsp of oil in the pan and add the "paach phoron" and whole red chilies till it crackles.
  8. Add the onion followed by ginger garlic paste.
  9. Add the mustard paste and add the prawns and saute for a few seconds.Add 1/2 cup of coconut water.
  10. Check the salt.
  11. Transfer the contents into the green coconut shells .
  12. Add a tbsp of mustard oil on top.
  13. close the opening with a dough of flour.
  14. Bake for about  45 minutes at 170 degrees.
  15. Serve straight from the oven in the shell itself with steamed rice .


READ  Patishapta( filling of caramelized carrot and coconut)


Indrani Sen is a teacher,lecturer in Information Technology/Computer Science for the past 12 years. She has authored 4 text books in Information Technology.
She is passionate about cooking and loves to blog about food and travel.This blog is like my baby as I have built it from scratch by myself with little help from colleagues ,friends and of course Google.


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