cooking chicken in a clay pot
Chicken Recipe

Cooking chicken in a clay pot

In rural India ,clay pots are the popular containers for cooking as they are cheap ,easy to wash and bio degradable ,can be used and thrown.According to ancient Ayurveda earthen utensils make more nutritious food.Due to their porous nature heat is distributed uniformly to the food cooking in them and gets cooked slowly and uniformly resulting in a better texture and flavor.Clay  being alkaline in nature maintains the Ph balance of your food .It also supplies additional minerals to the dish which are the intrinsic content of the clay.The meat gets more tender ,uses less oil and there are minimal chances of food getting burnt even without oil.

This chicken curry is absolutely oil free as the meat gets cooked in its own fat and is delicious as any other chicken curry cooked with oil and spices.You will love this when served in an afternoon lunch with hot steamed rice.I am sure if you cook in them ,you may like to have more of the pots in your kitchen rack as they can be valuable possessions as far as taste is concerned.

cooking chicken in a clay pot
cooking chicken in a clay pot
cooking chicken in a clay pot

Clay pot chicken curry

Chicken cooked with Indian spices in a clay pot without oil

Course Main Course
Cuisine Indian
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes
Servings 4
Author indrani


  1. Marinate the chicken with all the spices for marination for 15 minutes

  2. Heat the earthen pot over the gas oven.

  3. Roast the bay leaves and the whole spices.Once they release the aroma

  4. Add chopped onions roast them till tender and translucent

  5. Add the chicken with marination and add the spices for the curry

  6. Cover with a lid and cook for 30minutes

  7. Check intermittently if enough liquid is there ,otherwise add half cup of warm water and salt appropriately

  8. Once the meat is tender and the gravy has thickened ,serve the dish inside the pot , hot with steamed rice





Indrani Sen is a teacher,lecturer in Information Technology/Computer Science for the past 12 years. She has authored 4 text books in Information Technology.
She is passionate about cooking and loves to blog about food and travel.This blog is like my baby as I have built it from scratch by myself with little help from colleagues ,friends and of course Google.


  1. Can u keep food in clay pot for long time or we have to transfer it into another bowl as soon as food is cooked plz reply

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