This is a specialty of Malvan region of Maharashtra.The cuisine of this region involves the usage of spices like red chillies,a sour fruit called kokkum,tamarind and green sichuan pepper called locally as tirphal.The region is populated with people who belong to the fishermen community also called kolis.
This is a very popular dish of this region in which seer fish is used which is a sea fish among the mackerel variety of fishes. It is found in around the Indian Ocean and adjoining seas.
The fish is firm and has flaky meaty texture.It is almost boneless and tastes heavenly and hence is also known as Kingfish.The spice for marination is readily available in the market but one can easily make the spice mix at home.
- Surmai pieces (4 to 5) or any other boneless firm Fish fillets
- Kashmiri chilly powder(2 tbsp)
- Red chilly powder (1 tbsp)
- Tirphal or sichuan pepper (3 to 5 powdered)
- Coriander powder(1 tbsp)
- Tamarind paste(2 tbsp)
- Salt (as per taste)
- Turmeric powder (1 tsp)
- Ginger garlic paste(1 tbsp)
- Semolina or rice flour(1 cup)
- Oil (4 to 5 tbsp) for shallow fry
- The fishes do not require marination because they are soft but if you want to store them for a long time in your refrigerator marination is required.
- Make a thick paste of all the spices except semolina and coat the fishes nicely and leave for around 10 to 15 minutes.
- Roll them over semolina and shallow fry on pan till both the sides become crispy.
- Serve as a starter or with rice.