Showing 4 Result(s)
Machher shukta
Fish Recipe Seafood

Machher shukto

Shukto or Shukta is a vegetarian recipe which has become a traditional delicacy from Bengal prepared only during weddings or any other big family gatherings or festivals. It is a complicated dish which needs elaborate preparation and has become a lost recipe nowadays rarely cooked in Bengali homes. I learnt this recipe after marriage ,though …


Prawns in tomato basil and lime sauce

There are some days when I will love to make myself happy..and I think everyone should have the opportunity to do .We are always cooking and love to see smiles  on the face of our family members,guests,relatives,colleagues ,neighbors,sometimes friends ,sometimes virtual  friends and the list goes longer. If I start doing  an analysis ,I think …


Hong kong Chili Prawn

This is a Chinese style prawn curry which can be served as a side dish to Khao Pad rice or any other fried rice.It is very simple and easy to cook and requires minimum ingredients most of which are available in our kitchen.You can substitute prawns with chicken  and seafood stock with chicken stock to …

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