Showing 9 Result(s)

Prawns Teriyaki

I love experimenting with food and learn new techniques .Thus I came across this dish called teriyaki.Teriyaki is a cooking technique used in Japanese cuisine in which foods are broiled or grilled with a glaze of soy sauce, mirin, and sugar.Mirin is an essential ingredient  used in Japanese cuisine. It is a kind of rice …


Caramel filled soft core chocolates

This festive season during Diwali I decided to make these soft core chewy caramel chocolates.The kids love it but due to my hectic schedule in College I cannot make time.Holidays are a perfect time for making these sinful delicacies and definitely for making caramel,you do need to keep your head very cool.I hope you enjoy …

Bong Connection Mutton

Mutton gravy with papaya

Papaya is a magic vegetable which can be consumed in both ripe and  green unripe form.But unlike the ripe papaya which can be consumed as a fruit,the unripe papaya needs to be cooked.It has a collection of enzymes papain and chymopapain which can improve your digestion converts proteins into essential amino acids, cleanses the colon.It …

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