
Black sesame chicken fry

Sesame seeds have great nutritional benefits.The paste of sesame seed also known as Tahini paste  is used in many Arabian dishes.But the black variety yields the best quality of oil and is also best suited for medicinal purposes. The Black sesame seeds contain higher levels of antioxidants than brown as is known to have anti aging properties.It is largely used in Ayurveda and Chinese food.
Today I am going to present a Chicken recipe which is rare and has a strong flavor where Black sesame seeds is the main ingredient.
The color of the paste is grayish black,so to improve color kashmiri chilly powder is used.The sesame paste is very strong and if you do’t like spicy food then you can add up to 1 tbsp.Dates and onions are added to add some sweetness to the dish.
The dish came out very well and is appreciated by my neighbors ,family members and even my daughter who is a very choosy eater and don’t like spicy food finished her tiff-in when I packed the same chicken in the sandwich. So I want you to try the dish and give me your valuable comments.


1.Black sesame sedds 2 to 4 tbsp
2.Chicken 400 gms(Boneless)
3.1 tbsp of white sesame seeds (roasted)
4.Garlic (34 to 5 cloves)
5.Onions (2 chopped into big pieces)
6.Carrot(1 cut into thin strips)
7.Capsicum(2 cut inti long thin strips)
8.Seedless Dates( 3 to 4)
9.Soya sauce(1 tsp)
10.Salt as per taste
11.Kashmiri Chilli powder  (to improve color)
12.Lemon Juice (1 lemon)
13.Oil(preferably sesame oil or any other oil)


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1.Roast and  Grind the black sesame seeds ,garlic ,salt and dates into a fine paste.
2.Marinate the chicken with lemon juice for 1/2 an hour
3.Coat the chicken with the sesame seed mixture and put it in a Kadai or wok over a gas oven.
4.Add soya sauce and kashmiri chilly powder and mix
5.Cover and cook for 25 to 30 minutes.
6.If necessary stir intermittently.
7.When the chicken pieces are cooked and the gravy is absorbed take  it out.
8.Add a tbsp of oil in the same wok.
9.Add the onion,and vegetables and fry.
10.Add a tbsp of tomato sauce.
11.When the vegetables are cooked mix with the chicken and plate it.
12.Garnish with roasted white sesame seeds.



Indrani Sen is a teacher,lecturer in Information Technology/Computer Science for the past 12 years. She has authored 4 text books in Information Technology.
She is passionate about cooking and loves to blog about food and travel.This blog is like my baby as I have built it from scratch by myself with little help from colleagues ,friends and of course Google.

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